Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 81 a note from God: Judges 1-2

After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what He had done for Israel.
Judges 2:10 NIV

I have been leading a small discussion group comprised of Generation Y members. This group is generally categorized as a group of young adults, between 20 and 30-years-old, who are deemed lazy and unmotivated. However, findings from a new study suggest this group is not lazy, rather just slow starters.

After reading this passage today, I am convinced that Gen Y is not a new phenomenon.

Consider that Gen Y has been identified by the following stats:

- 40% of this group have turned away from Christianity

- 50% of this group consider themselves athiest or agnostic

As a matter of fact as we continue to read the Old Testament, we will discover that this type of generation keeps popping up.

Perhaps the reason lies in the passage highlighted today: another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what He had done for Israel

Instead of passing judgement on the current generation, perhaps we need to look in the mirror?

How does a generation grow up not knowing about God?

It does so because the previous generation forgot to teach about all that God has done.

We (you, me, and the church) have failed a generation. We have not been able to articulate the message of God's grace in our lives. We have failed in word and in action.

We can be thankful for the few that have not forgotten. We can be thankful for the few within Gen Y that hold to this faith and are willing to tell others about the faith that they have discovered.

The question remains: Will we help them share the message of God's grace or will we get in the way and complain about their methods?

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