Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 4 a note from God: Job 1-5

I have to admit that reading the story of Job is hard duty to start a morning and leave it feeling joyous. But, and you knew it was coming . . . .

In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing. Job 1:22

How often we want to blame God for the consequences of our behavior?
How often do we ask, How could God allow this happen? As if you could even begin to fathom God's plan for the world. So, stop trying to figure it out and have a little faith.

I once had a seminary professor who put it like this . . . In the beginning God saw every possibility and set mankind on a course of choices that in the end would see the most people redeemed for His purpose. I have always liked that thought - especially when the really bad stuff of nature or humanity happens. (Thanks Linzy "Bill" Hill for the thought)

Which leads us to - how else do we respond in the tough times of life?

Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights.
No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.

Job 2:13

This is often called the ministry of presence. Sometimes there are no words to say. Sometimes words would belittle the moment. Take care and just be there. Sit with a friend and just be present for them.

So, Job even in the misery of the first few chapters offers a kind word for today.

Thanks Job.

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