Monday, February 25, 2013

Guns and Theology on Thursday Night

Everything is permitted, but everything isn’t beneficial.
Everything is permitted, but everything doesn’t build others up. 

Guns and gun control are in the headlines and have once again become part of our public dialogue.  Last week our Men's group from church visited our local gun shop last Thursday night. The owner walked us through the process for purchasing a gun in Indiana.  He taught us about the different types of guns. We handled hunting rifles and assault rifles.  We talked about gun control issues and gun safety issues.  Those in attendance varied in age from 20something to 80+.  Some in attendance owned guns, some did not.  What we all learned quickly is that we didn't know much about guns or the law.

In all likelihood, we carried on what may have been the most civil conversation about gun control, gun ownership, and gun safety in all the land that day!  I was proud of our group.

We discovered that too many people want an easy solution.  They want to solve the problem with a rally and a slogan.  Both sides have taken up extreme positions with respect to discussing the 2nd Amendment (the Right to Bear Arms).  Both sides are governed by fear.  Both sides operate by using disinformation and propaganda. We left more informed and as result we left less fearful.
Democracy is about freedom, but it is also about freedom with restrictions.  If it were not, then our freedom would quickly become anarchy! History reveals that legislation will not dictate morality or moral behavior.  But that is not permission to stop making laws of prohibition or limitation.  We need calm and rationale conversation about the laws we enact - something that will not happen in the halls of DC or the studios of TV networks.  The voices of the folks in the towns and cities need to be heard.  I invite you to join the conversation. 
For a more detailed look at some of the issues from a theological perspective check out this or this.  The issue is complex.  There are no easy answers, but a rationale conversation is welcome.  Come to Hagerstown.  We can show what that looks like and like us you just might learn something.

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