Sunday, April 24, 2011

One Solitary Life: Making a Difference

We have spent our entire journey leading up to this day.

I believe we each have a desire to find significance within our existence. Yet in order to find significance in our lives, we must find that elusive “something” that is missing. We must find that “thing” that will bring significance to our lives. For if we had already found “it,” there would be no need for us to still be looking for “it.”

I believe that is in part what draws each of us to the Easter Story - the search for meaning and significance.

Do you want to make a difference with your life? If the answer is yes, then how are you doing in your quest to find meaning in your life?

I propose to you that in order to find significance within your life, you will need to change your focus. You will need to move your focus from significance and success as measured by others to significance measured by God.

Do you still want to make a difference with your life? Then begin today to by changing your focus.

In 33 AD a man lived a very simple and solitary life. He chose not strive after fame, or fortune, or earthly success. There were many that would have gladly pushed him in that direction. Many that would have been happy to help him in that endeavor. He chose a different path, a path that many still choose to follow this day:

A path that leads to humility.

A path that leads to generosity.

A path that leads to love.

A path that willing makes you a servant of the King.

This man, this Jesus, this king, this conqueror of death, this risen savior, the Son of God is asking, “Do you want to find meaning in your life?” Then find it in Him.

Jesus says, “I know you are not perfect, that’s why I made the sacrifice.”

Jesus says, “I know you have made mistakes in the past, that’s why I paid your way.”

Jesus says, “I know you want to do better, that’s why I came back from the grave.”

Jesus says, “I know you want to make a difference with your life, that’s why I am here.”

Jesus says, “I know everything about you and I love you just the way you are.”

Jesus said, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33 NIV)

We worry so much about what will happen with our lives.

Will we make a difference?

Will any of it matter?

Jesus made it clear – "Come Follow Me." God will take care of the rest.

God will bring significance and meaning to your life.

Let this Easter be the day you declare your intent to Follow Him.

Your intent to change your focus.

Your intent to acknowledge Christ as the Risen Son of God.

Your intent to declare that you are a believer and a follower of Christ.

The question is not “Will your life matter?”

The question is “How will you respond?”

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