Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 88 a note from God: Judges 19-21

In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit. Judges 21:25 NIV

After reading these chapters, it is hard to understand the brutality of the actions. But then, you get to the last line of the book of Judges and there it is . . . all the explanation anyone would need . . . everyone did as they saw fit.

And that is the point, with no one to rule over them, they all did as they wanted. Sad reality is that God was their ruler, but they refused to acknowledge that over and over again.

Must be a sense of deja vu for God with us today. Christ came that He might be our King, but instead we choose to have no king and live as we see fit. And then we dare to ask, "How could there be so much trouble and strife in the world?"

It is then we should read the last line of Judges again to find our answer - In those days they had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.

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