Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year: A New Resolution

Change [cheynj] become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's former characteristics

Let’s face it, change is hard no matter how you define it. At this time of the year it is customary to make promises, or resolutions, to improve our lives. The problem is that most of us will break those promises before the New Year is a month old. So let me introduce you to another word:

mul·li·gan [ˈmə-li-gən] a free shot sometimes given a golfer in informal play when the previous shot was poorly played.

In life we could all use a mulligan - especially after a "poorly played" action on our part. When it comes to making changes in our lives, we need things like mulligans. Because when we try to make the right changes in our lives, we often fail.  Let me invite you in those moments of failure to take a mulligan – just start over. The beauty of taking a mulligan is that you can do it without guilt! We could all use a second chance that comes without guilt.


A few years ago, as I read through the Bible, I made a commitment to blog daily based on my readings.  To be honest, it was good for me as a writer, and horrible for me as a person.  I became driven by the need to blog daily and was often overcome by guilt if I missed a day. Perhaps you can relate regarding resolutions you have made?

I want to invite you to read along with me this year.  However, I want you to have a an unlimited supply of mulligans for the year.  Miss a day or a week. That's okay.  Just start again with whatever day we are currently reading - guilt-free. No strings attached. It’s truly guilt-free.
I hope that if you take this approach, you will actually read more of the Bible this year than any other year in your life. Reading through the Bible in a year only takes about 15 minutes a day – but it’s 15 minutes a day that can (and will) change your life forever. 

If the Bible were simply an ancient book, I don't think I would waste my time - remembering reading the Homer's Iliad in HS Senior Literature? (I can honestly say I have never wanted to read that again!)  But this book is God's Word - eternal and true.  The power to change lives is contained in the pages of this book. 


I dare you to grab a friend and read through the Bible in 2014 – sharing regularly with each other what God is revealing to you.  Traveling alone is fun, but with friends it is an adventure.  Reading together with friends will enhance your experience and keep you accountable.

1. Get a Reading Plan.
    Here is the one I’m using this year. You can use the Bible you already have.
    Print the plan off, put it in your Bible. Download it here.
    For my techie friends. Try the YouVersion App: You can follow this same reading plan on your
    computer, phone or tablet via YouVersion by clicking here. The benefits of YouVersion are that
    it’s free, sends reminders (if desired), is portable (you’ll always have it with you), access to
    multiple translations. If you don’t already have the YouVersion app you can download it here.

2. Invite Some Friends
    Who do you invite you ask?
    How about your spouse, your kids, neighbors, small group, friends from church, family from
    across the country, etc, etc.

3. Start Reading ...

4. Share with others ...

5. I'll be starting my blog as I read along with you beginning Monday January 6th.

Here's to a year of change that will do us all a lot of good!

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