Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On the Way to Sunday .... Seize the Day

I don't know about you, but I am counting the days until the election is over!

My television has been politically hi-jacked commercials and content; my e-mail is filled with political junk mail; my facebook page is drowning in political banter (I'm at least happy to discover that I have friends that hold opposing political views).  When will it end?

Oh wait .... that's right it will end some time in the days following the election.  All the over-hyped language and uber news coverage will go away for another 4 years.  Yeah! Right?

But that got me to thinking (You knew that was coming), why is that as followers of Christ we are able to become more passionate about politics than we are the Good News of Christ?  
Why will we place a sign in a yard proclaiming our support for a candidate we may not even know, but refuse to promote the church event for fear it might be offensive?

Why will we talk to someone we hardly know about the latest debate, but won't even talk to our neighbors about the great sermon we heard on Sunday?
Why will we encourage everyone we see to vote on Election Day, but never invite the people we know to Church?
Now don't get me wrong, I believe in democracy.  I will vote on Election Day.  
BUT, I refuse to become passionate about something that will not last while relegating the eternal to an after-thought.  I'm happy to talk politics (most any time - not just during elections), but don't be surprised when our political talk turns into Jesus talk.

On the way to Sunday, while you are getting politically motivated, how about using some of that energy for God's Kingdom.

See you Sunday!

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