Tuesday, April 17, 2012

On the way to Sunday . . . Catchin' Flies

A refrigerator magnet or fridge magnet is an ornament, often whimsical, attached to a small magnet, which is used to post items such as shopping lists, child art or reminders on a refrigerator door, or which simply serves as decoration. Refrigerator magnets come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, including thin die cut forms the thickness of heavy card stock, and may have promotional messages placed on them. Refrigerator magnets are a relatively popular collectable object. (thanks wikipedia)

Perhaps you have one of these at home on your refrigerator.

When I was much younger I used to collect magnets. In college my dorm refrigerator was plastered with every type of magnet imaginable. It's amazing the philosophy and/or theology that is espoused on the refrigerators of America.

It started with those silly letters that helped us in school and now those colorful letters have now evolved into words:

The problem with messages on the refrigerator is that they are most often dishonest. We only put things on the 'fridge that want people to see. We hide the rest.

While the note says, we are out of milk. It doesn't say, the milk we have is curdled and is hiding behind what I think was a piece of meatloaf.

I fear we have done the same thing with our faith. We put on display all that we think is attractive and looks appealing while refusing to talk about the moldy cheese in the back.

What if in life we just got rid of the slogans and 'trite sayings and actually began to share our lives (the real stories) with one another?

What might happen?

Got any moldy cheese you want to talk about?

It's okay. I promise I won't respond with an overused slogan.

See you Sunday!

I'll be the one with the bag of garbage from cleaning out my own refrigerator.

For a great read on cleaning out your refrigerator click here.

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