Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 28 a note from God: Genesis 46-47

When the money of the people of Egypt and Canaan was gone, all Egypt came to Joseph and said, “Give us food. Why should we die before your eyes? Our money is all gone.”Genesis 47:15

I often get tired of hearing how bad the "haves" are in comparison to the "have nots". This chapter is an interesting story of the "have nots" willingly giving everything away in order to have food and then get this they say "thank you!"

We often forget that the accumulation of wealth is frequently the means for helping the poor. I am all for helping the poor and the needy. I get the "cup of cold water" in the name of Christ. I am just tired of hearing how "bad" the wealthy are. Lest you think you are not included: Remember that YOU are the wealthy in relationship to the world.

I have never thought of myself as being wealthy. If you want to change your perspective try travelling outside the US or just read up on Haiti, Mexico, or Guatemala. Our vacation destinations are the gutters of the World. But things can change. UMCOR is at work in Haiti. Missionaries like Tom Heaton are at work in Guatemala making a difference. Murriel Henderson is working to make a difference in Mexico.

Trying to develop a system to distribute everything fairly is a problem with dealing with the poor. What is fair? Who should be included? These are questions that have been around since before Christ and still are around today.

Perhaps that is why Christ reminded us that "You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have Me.” John 12:8 NIV

I am mindful that I have much, but I am still trying to figure out how to provide for others in manner that would honor Christ . . . How about you?

For a more detailed thrological discussion on this try reading A Proper Perspective of Poverty and Prosperity by Bob Deffinbaugh.

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