Friday, September 21, 2012

Buzz Words: Holy Conferencing

As followers of Christ, we are often described as brothers and sisters.  We choose to live in community and worship together as family.  The problematic result of being family together is that we don't always agree.  Let's face it, we tend to fight, well like brothers and sisters. 

What if it could be different?

The notion of 'holy conferencing' was included by John Wesley as a way for us to experience God's grace.  So that when we disagree (and we will), we can have the opportunity to take part in and experience God's grace in action!  Disagreements might be more agreeable in that context.

Bishop Sally Dyck recently published a white paper on behalf of the United Methodist Church entitled, "Eight Principles of Holy Conferencing: A Study Guide for Churches and Groups."  The principles are designed to be guidelines for handling disagreements in a way that honors God and allows us to find answers while experiencing grace.

Here is a breakdown of the eight principles:

1.  Every person is a child of God - I John 4:20-21
2.  Listen before you speak - Romans 14:1
3. Strive to understand the other point of view - Philemon 2:8
4. Strive to reflect accurately the views of others - Matthew 12:36-37
5. Disagree without being disagreeable - Ephesians 5:1-2a
6.  Speak about issues: do not defame people - Matthew 5:22
7. Pray, in silence or aloud, before decisions - Luke 6:28
8. Let prayer interrupt your busy-ness - I Thessalonians 5:17

These principles may not end all arguments.

These principles may not get you the outcome you wanted.

These principles are not a panacea for all that afflicts us.

BUT ....

If when we disagreed, we used them.  We just might discover more grace and less division.

And that might lead to more being done to build up the Kingdom of God instead of tearing it apart.

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