Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On the way to Sunday

living large
able to pay for and enjoying a very expensive style of living Vacations in the hot spots, a huge apartment in the city, cars, servants - that's my idea of living large!

When we are honest, we all can admit that we want to be able to live large!

We watch those that do and ponder how we would do it better.

“If I were rich like them, I’d be a better rich person than they are. They spend their money on stupid stuff. I’d never do that. I’d only spend my money on good stuff, the right things, ways to help other people.”

I have a friend who's father earned $16,000 a year. He grew up thinking if I can earn that I'll be rich! That's the problem with Rich - it is an ever moving target.

University of Warwick in England completed a study that discovered that for most people – that to feel happy about their income, it had to be more than what their friends and colleagues had. It turned out that no matter how much a person earned as long as they knew someone who earned more – they weren’t satisfied. In other words, what they have isn’t enough, no matter how much it is.

And still we say,
"If I had that kinda money, I would ___________ instead of _________ ."

Money and wealth are interesting things. They cause us to do, think and say interesting things.

What if our whole thought about money is wrong.

The Bible states that the streets in Heaven are paved with Gold. Our response is awesome that riches of heaven are overflowing. BUT, what if they are paved with gold because gold has the same value as asphalt, but looks better?!

Who said Gold in heaven has the same value we place on it in this world?

Jesus said, "it is more blessed to give than to receive."

But we live our lives completely the opposite.

We live to gain, to hoard, to keep, to spend on ourselves.

And that is normal.

What if we lived weird? Jesus weird.

What if giving was more important?

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