Friday, July 2, 2010

The Sound of Silence

While still trying to process the expereince of Para-sailing with my son, I have had another encounter with silence. This second expereince with silence also occurred with my son.

Our church just held a 24 hour Prayer Vigil as a kick-off to our capitol campaign to raise funds to retire our debt. I had just returned from the golf course and took a shower (didn't want to smell sweaty while praying next to someone for an hour!). As I prepared to leave the house, my son asked if he could go with me. I carefully explained to him that I was going to the church and was going to spend an hour praying. Unphased by my description, he insisted on going.

We arrived at our prayer chapel just before our hour was to begin. We gathered some prayer resources and quietly made our way into the chapel where others were still praying quietly to themselves.

This began our hour together in silent conversation with God. Occassionaly I would glance up to make sure my son was still there and that he was okay.

Again as we sat by each other, we were washed over by the silence. However, this time the silence was 'deafening' nor was it unsettling. I didn't need time to process all the feelings.

This time the silence was comforting. This time the silence was peaceful.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 NIV

Take time to embrace the silence in your life and in so doing I hope you can discover what I have . . .

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