This past Saturday over 600 volunteers gathered inside the Hagerstown Elementary Gym and did something amazing! They packaged 155,520 meals in just over 6 hours. They work in three shifts beginning at 9:00 am and they came from all over East Central Indiana. They came to take part in what is now known as the END HUNGER NOW event.

This event started 3 years ago as an idea for a few people from my church to package a few thousand meals. As they story of the event was told more and more people wanted to be involved and it grew. What's not to like? A few hours of volunteering produces a tangible result - a packaged meal. People even had a chance to sample the final product and were surprised by how good the meal tasted.
As the driver behind the event, I get too much credit and all the questions. The question I am most often asked is "Why do you spend so much of your time on this?"
I could tell you about the experience I have had with Gleaner's Mobile Food Pantry here in our community. I could tell you how hunger lives next door to each of us and most often it affects children. I could even mention that Gleaner's is a distribution partner for Kids Against Hunger. Perhaps that's why other people come. They know that a portion of the meals we package will be distributed to local food pantries.

And while those are good reasons they are not why I am so passionate about this event. In my ministry as a pastor, I am driven to help people see that how they live out their faith matters in the world. So often, people are left wondering if having faith even matters. They are even left feeling alone in their struggle to live our their faith. As a result they get discouraged.
But then an event like this comes along - driven by people of faith responding to the call of Christ to "feed the hungry." They come together from various backgrounds and different ages. They come with all kinds of unspoken troubles. And for one glorious time they work together selflessly. They act out love, compassion, humility, and thankfulness. They become a human expression of Christ.
I marvel and all the different hands that work together - young, old, small, big, rough, hard, soft, smooth. I marvel at all the different faces as they laugh and smile. All the people enjoy one another's company. They meet knew people. They discover that they aren't that different. They discover that faith can matter in this world. They discover that faith can make a difference.
My hope ... My passion is that they discover that God is a God of Abundance. And from that Abundance God chooses to love. Love you ... love me ... and love those we don't yet know.
I hope people leave encouraged and inspired to continue to do other good things because in this life ...
How you live your faith matters ... it matters now and forever.
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12
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