Monday, March 19, 2012

On the way to Sunday . . . How to Throw a Party

Times sure have changed. I still remember when a Birthday party meant cake, ice cream, pin the tail on the donkey, and a small gift bag for the guests. That was a party to remember! Apparently not anymore.

The film Project X has created a national conversation and caused us to ask, "How do you throw a party that will be remembered?"

A party designed to emulate the outrageous house party thrown in the film Project X has ended in tragedy, with a teenager dead following gunfire. A number of copycat parties have been thrown around the United States attempting to recreate the film's "ultimate party." Read about it here. You can even cHeck out this report: Growing Number of 'Project X' Party Copycats Lead to Arrests Nationwide - ABC News

Jesus once hosted a party with over 5000 in attendance. No invitations were sent. They just came to see Him. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “Why did all these people come? What were they looking for?” I believe that most came to get something – to say “I was there” – to be healed – to be fed – to be entertained – to be part of the ‘party.’

Apparently the party was a hit, as they followed Jesus to the next town and repeated the party. This group that had witnessed the activities of the previous day could not get enough. They had to find Jesus. They wanted more – another meal – another miracle – you name it.

Jesus didn’t do things to be memorable or popular.

Jesus was just doing what came natural to Him.

Want to be memorable?

Want to attract people?

Why not try being more like Jesus? It worked for Him.

People 200 years later are still talking about the party he hosted on the mountainsides of Galilee.

They must have been EPIC!

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