I am often asked where I find my inspiration for sermons - this is one place. I believe God speaks to me daily and this is a place where you can look over my shoulder as I write some notes to myself as we journey towards Sunday . . .
Friday, September 30, 2011
Day 265 a note from God: Malachi
But the sun of righteousness will rise on those revering my name;
healing will be in its wings so that you will go forth
and jump about like calves in the stall.
Malachi 4:2 CEB
Sound familiar? It should there is a famous Christmas song by Charles Wesley:
Hail the heaven-born Prince of peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
Risen with healing in his wings.
This passage in Malachi is the only place in the Bible that mentions ‘a sun of righteousness’. Christians believe that this is a description of Jesus Christ.
‘Hail’ is another word for ‘praise’.
‘Heaven-born’ means ‘born with help from God in heaven’.
‘Healing’ means health.
Jesus is the ‘heaven-born Prince of peace’ who is the Sun of Righteousness.
Malachi says that people will become very excited at the coming of this person. SO excited that they will jump about like animals that have been set free!
Have you been set free?
Do you know Jesus the ‘heaven-born Prince of peace’ - the Sun of Righteousness?
If you don't know Him, turn the page because we are about to embark on the greatest story ever told.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Day 264 a note from God: Nehemiah 11-13 and Psalm 126
When it was time for the dedication of Jerusalem’s wall, they sought out the Levites in all the places where they lived in order to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with joy, with thanks and singing, and with cymbals, harps, and lyres.
Nehemiah 11:27 CEB
When it was time . . .
Traditionally you do not dedicate something until it is paid for otherwise you consecrate it for God's work.
What a celebration to dedicate the restored wall of the city.
What a celebration to be debt free.
Most of us do not know what it means to not have a house payment, a car payment, a credit card payment, a you name it payment.
We all wait with anticipation of that time when we don't have a payment.
My church is approaching that time . . .
We are within a few thousand dollars of saying it is time.
Time to pay off the mortgage and celebrate.
As a matter of fact what better time than Thanksgiving to dedicate a building.
Mark your calendar November 20th will be a celebration like no other.
Because it will be time . . .
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Day 263 a note from God: Nehemiah 8-10
On the twenty-fourth day of this month,
the people of Israel were assembled.
They fasted, wore funeral clothing,
and had dirt on their heads.
Nehemiah 9:1 CEB
Nehemiah had read the Book of the Law read to the people and they were saddened. They were instructed to not be sad, but to be happy and to feast because of all that God had done for them.
Later, they gathered together again. They were sad. They did not eat any food. The people wore rough clothes and they put dirt on their heads. This was to show that they were sad and sorry for their sins. They were ready to pray and to confess their sins to God.
The people wanted to serve and to obey the real God. They said that they were sorry for their sins. They even confessed the sins that their ancestors had done. They listened to the book of the law of God for another three hours. Then they worshiped God and they confessed their sins for another three hours.
It leaves me to wonder what the world would look like if we had dirt heaped on our heads for the sins in our lives.
Remember no shower will remove this dirt, but we are given the right to confess our sins and have them removed.
Carrying any dirt with you today?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Day 262 a note from God: Nehemiah 6-7
My God then prompted me to assemble the officials, the officers, and the people so that they could be registered by families. I found the record of the families who were the first to return, and I found the following written in it:
Nehemiah 7:5 CEB
This is one of those tough chapters to read: Nehemiah 7. Even if you can get all the names pronounced correctly . . . why are they even there? Why waste the time and paper to record all these things in the Bible?
Then one day I knew the answer and was encouraged.
Consider that in that day all the way until now those names mattered enough that someone wrote them down. As a result, they will never be forgotten!
Isn't that what we all want? To be remembered at some time in the future. To have some record that states that are living mattered.
As great as the Bible is there is a Book that is even greater . . . God says that those who follow Him have their name written in the Book of Life.
Names matter.
Names represent people.
I want my name remembered.
I want God to know my name.
Does God know your name?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 261 a note from God: Nehemiah 1-5
The carriers did their work
with a load in one hand
and a weapon in the other.
The builders built with swords fastened
in their belts,
and the trumpeter stayed by my side.
Nehemiah 4:17b-18 CEB
Nehemiah is a story of the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem.
There was opposition to the rebuilding.
The wall being rebuilt would mean the city was once again fortified. As a result the enemies planned to oppose the city.
The workers not only worked to rebuild the city, but they also stood ready to defend the city against attack.
I like the idea of the daily worker carrying his sword to defend the city.
No matter where we go or what we do we are called to defend our faith.
Are you ready to give a defense of your faith?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
VItal Signs for Living: How you doing?
The LORD showed me a vision of Himself standing beside a wall and holding a string with a weight tied to the end of it. The string and weight had been used to measure the straightness of the wall. Then he asked, "Amos, what do you see?"
"A measuring line," I answered.
The LORD said, "I'm using this measuring line to show that my people Israel don't measure up”
Amos 7:7-8 CEV
There are vital signs that reveal whether you are healthy physically. In the medical field, vital signs are comprised of blood pressure, pulse, respiration, oxygen saturation level and temperature. These five components help give caregivers some general information about how a patient is doing. But just as these vital signs are taken regularly to know about a patient’s physical condition, it may also be necessary to periodically check our own spiritual vital signs as well. After all, we are both physical and spiritual beings.
We need to check our vital signs to track improvement or need for change in certain areas of our lives. In many cases, our problems lay hidden unless we make a conscious effort to find and address them.
If vital signs are crucial and important in the physical world, is it possible they are just as important in the spiritual? And if they are, is it time for your check up? Do you know your spiritual health quotient (SHQ)?
SHQ - On a scale of 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest)
rate yourself on each of the following 10 questions (I-X):
1. Temperature – Worship
noun. 1. degree of hotness or coldness measured on a definite scale 2. the degree of heat that is natural to the body of a living being c: abnormally high body heat
Each week we have the opportunity to take our temperature as we come together in worship. Is it a battle of your will to come to worship? Do you look forward to this time?
Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25 CEB
How warm is your heart towards God (I)? Is your heart lukewarm in following and believing in Jesus?
As long as we are taking temperatures, How warm is your heart towards others (II)?
Let us work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity
Galatians 6:10a CEB
2. Blood pressure – Study
noun. pressure that is exerted by the blood upon the walls of the blood vessels and especially arteries, and that varies with the muscular efficiency of the heart, the blood volume and viscosity, the age and health of the individual, and the state of the vascular wall
Like a newborn baby, desire the pure milk of the word. Nourished by it, you will grow into salvation 1 Peter 2:2 CEB
As a follower of Christ you should have a hunger for God’s word. So, How is your appetite(III)?
But you must continue with the things you have learned and found convincing. You know who taught you. 15 Since childhood you have known the holy scriptures that help you to be wise in a way that leads to salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-15 CEB
Do you love to study and make the Word a part of your life? Are you a part of a study group? Do you have a daily or weekly time of study? Do you have growing knowledge of the Bible (IV)?
3. Pulse – Living Life
noun. 1. the regular expansion of an artery caused by the ejection of blood into the arterial 2system by the contractions of the heart 2. the palpable beat resulting from such pulse as detected in a superficial artery; also: the number of individual beats in a specified time period (as one minute)
You must be doers of the word and not only hearers who mislead themselves. Those who hear but don’t do the word are like those who look at their faces in a mirror. They look at themselves, walk away, and immediately forget what they were like. James 1:22-24 CEB
Have you revealed God’s grace in your life by doing good works? Or have you had an irregular pulse depending on your current situations or problems? How regular is your pulse of good works (V)?
Produce fruit that shows you have changed your hearts and lives.
Matthew 3:8 CEB
Is your life drawing people to God? Are you producing fruit in your life (VI)?
4. Oxygen saturation - Fellowship
Oxygen noun. 1. a reactive element that is found in water, in most rocks and minerals, in numerous organic compounds, and as a colorless tasteless odorless diatomic gas constituting 21 percent of the atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except the inert gases, that is active in physiological processes, and that is involved especially in combustion 2. something that sustains or fuels
O2 needs to permeate our system in order for you to live. Your faith needs to permeate your life in order to be alive.
A young fellow who was fed up with church went to see this wise old Christian in his cabin to get some advice. He told him all the things that were bothering him about church, and how he felt that he would be better off without the company of other Christians. As he was speaking, the old man silently took the fire tongs and removed a red-hot glowing coal from the middle of the fire and set it on the hearth. The coal glowed for a while, but eventually dimmed and turned black. He let it sit there a while and then took the tongs and places the coal back in the middle of the fire. Within seconds the coal was glowing red hot once again. The young man took the wordless lesson and left determined to stay with church and become an active member.
Just as coals soon burn out when they are removed from the company of other coals, we will not last long in the faith unless we are working closely with what other Christians are doing in the local church. A healthy Christian exercises his Spiritual gift to help make a special outreach, project or ministry become successful. It may be prayer, giving, encouraging, administrating or applying hands on work. The fact is he will be doing something. It must be noted, that he will not be a part of everything going on in the church.
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their hard work. If either should fall, one can pick up the other. But how miserable are those who fall and don’t have a companion to help them up! Also, if two lie down together, they can stay warm. But how can anyone stay warm alone? Also, one can be overpowered, but two together can put up resistance. A three-ply cord doesn’t easily snap. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 CEB
Are you engaged with other followers of Christ (VII)?
As iron sharpens iron, so one sharpens another Proverbs 27:17 CEB
Do you have someone or a group that holds you accountable (VIII)?
5. Respiration - Prayer
noun. the physical and chemical processes by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for metabolism and relieves them of the carbon dioxide formed in energy-producing reactions
Someone a long time ago taught me this wise lesson: the secret to a long life is breathing. Prayer is the breath of life for the Christian. Prayer is the lifeline between you and God.
Be still, and know that I am God Psalm 46:10a CEB
Do you spend regular time listening to God (IX)?
The believers devoted themselves . . . to their prayers. Acts 2:42 CEB
Are you devoted to prayer as a part of your life (X)?
Now, by no means is this a complete spiritual physical. It is merely a check-up. The questions asked may not cover all the things you want to ask yourself to improve your faith, but it is a start to begin to assess where you are spiritually.
Now total your score _______ (add each of the 10 ratings together)
The number today for SHQ is not as important as what the number will be in a year. Your health will decline, but your spiritual health should be on the increase. Until it is 100 consistently . . . you have room from growth.
From here you can begin to decide which step to take next in your spiritual fitness journey. In the coming weeks we are going to take a deeper look at each of these areas. Hopefully you will be encouraged in some way to commit to becoming more spiritually fit in the coming year.
Ready to begin your workout towards better spiritual health?
Day 260 a note from God: Ezra 7-10
Get up, for it is your duty to deal with this matter;
we will support you. Be strong and act.
Ezra 10:4
The people had a problem. Ezra was their leader.
Notice that the people knew what needed to be done and offered their support.
Too often, we know what needs to be done. We even appoint leaders to get the job done.
Our problem is that . . .
1) we don't hold our leaders accountable to the task
2) we don't support the leaders in the task
When is the last time you offered your support to the leader of your congregation or your community?
When is the last time you offered your support with the words "Whatever you need me to do."?
It is one thing to support with words and completely other thing to support with actions.
What kind of supporter are you?
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Day 259 a note from God: Esther 6-10
The couriers, riding the royal horses, raced out, spurred on by the king’s command. And the edict was also issued in the citadel of Susa.
Esther 8:14 NIV
I was drawn to this phrase today - spurred on by the king’s command.
Athletes talk about how the crowd energized them.
Children speak of their parents inspiring them.
As you read through the Bible, do you hear the words of the King spurring you on?
You are a courier.
You have a race to run.
Be inspired.
Be energized.
Be spurred on.
The King has spoken.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Day 258 a note from God: Esther 1-5
Then the king’s personal attendants proposed, “Let a search be made for beautiful young virgins for the king.
Ester 2:2 NIV
In the truthful nature of there is nothing new under the sun . . .
Reality TV was born before there was TV.
Esther won the first contest.
Divine providence places her in the place to become Queen.
Divine providence will continue in her life as she is in the right place at the right time to act on behalf of God's people.
Have you ever consider that you are in the place you are at the time you are for just the purpose that God has intended?
Be open to God's divine plan.
Be ready.
Be surprised!
This ain't no TV show - this is life - the life God planned for you!
Day 257 a note from God: Zechariah 8-14
The LORD will be king over the whole earth.
On that day there will be one LORD,
and His name the only name.
Zechariah 14:3 NIV
The last part of Zechariah is descriptions of the end of times or what is referred to as apocalyptic literature.
I must confess I don't get most of it or for that matter any of it.
This is what I do get:
Zechariah wrote these things not to scare us, but to comfort us.
God wants us to know that when we choose to follow Him - We win!
In the totality of life in this universe, you have been chosen by the Creator. And despite how bleak things might look . . . God wins!
That is the good news of the story.
Be encouraged.
Having faith and living it matters now and forever!
On that day there will be one LORD,
and His name the only name.
Zechariah 14:3 NIV
The last part of Zechariah is descriptions of the end of times or what is referred to as apocalyptic literature.
I must confess I don't get most of it or for that matter any of it.
This is what I do get:
Zechariah wrote these things not to scare us, but to comfort us.
God wants us to know that when we choose to follow Him - We win!
In the totality of life in this universe, you have been chosen by the Creator. And despite how bleak things might look . . . God wins!
That is the good news of the story.
Be encouraged.
Having faith and living it matters now and forever!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Day 256 a note from God: Zechariah 1-7
Therefore tell the people: This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Return to me,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the LORD Almighty.
Zechariah 1:3 NIV
Zechariah's name means "Yahweh has remembered" and that is the theme of this book.
The main emphasis for Zechariah is that God is at work - in the past and in the present - and God has plans for the future of His people.
That is good news for us today.
No matter your past . . .
No matter your present situation . . .
God has plans for your future.
God has not forgotten you.
Return to Him.
Return to His ways.
and discover the future God has planned for you.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 255 a note from God: Haggai
Is it time for you to dwell in your own paneled houses while this house lies in ruins?
Haggai 1:4 CEB
The people of Israel had returned from exile and immediately began to rebuild the temple, but in time the desire to build the temple became secondary to their own needs.
Haggai came with a message to get back to work.
Perhaps the message of Haggai is a message about our need to financially support the church, but for a moment set aside all the messages you have heard about giving and consider this:
Maybe the message of Haggai for us today is that we have forgotten the priority of the church in our lives . . . We have become so busy in our homes, in our schools, in our jobs, with our hobbies that the life and activities of the church have become secondary to everything else.
The state of the church is a direct reflection of the people that make up the church.
Consider that statement the next time you complain about the church.
As Haggai would say, "Wake up! It's time to make the church a priority in your life!"
A few years back a friend complained that he wanted to be more involved with church, but just didn't have time. I replied, "If you make the time, I promise within 6 months you won't know why you didn't do it earlier."
He gave it a try and it only took a few weeks for the light bulb to go on.
Faith grows when we tend to it.
Where are your priorities?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Day 254 a note from God: Ezra 4-6 and Psalm 137
The neighboring peoples discouraged the people of Judah,
made them afraid to build,
and bribed officials to frustrate their plan.
They did this throughout the rule of Persia’s King Cyrus
until the rule of Persia’s King Darius.
Ezra 4:4-5 CEB
Ezra did not record all the events in the 21 years till the temple was finished.
Ezra makes a theological point that the temple of the Lord was completed despite opposition that might have stopped any other project.
Opposition comes when God's people try to accomplish the things of God.
We were never promised that it would be easy.
When is the last time you tried to do something hard for God?
When is the last time you stopped when the opposition came?
Ezra reminds us that when we are doing the things of God, nothing can stop us.
What's stopping you?
Sunday, September 18, 2011
What I learned this Summer . . . Golfing
There is a saying that a day on the golf course beats a day at work – so how bad can it be? I can tell you ho bad it can be.
I have always tracked fairways hit, greens hit, putts, and sand saves. I know how my round went by that. I also grew up with an accountant that reminded me of everything on the scorecard. If I talked about the birdie or the eagle, he would remind me of the snowman or the triple bogey.
Since the beginning of time, mankind has searched just about everywhere in hopes of finding joy in their lives. Today, most people are trying to find joy in something or someone outside of themselves (Golf, hobbies, people, things . . .).
We are bombarded with messages daily that rob us of our joy and send us in countess directions seeking joy.
But what exactly does God have to say about this quest for joy?
I Thessalonians 5:16 Be joyful always
If that was a command then we each know that we have already blown it! But what if it means that God placed joy into the very fiber of our being? I believe God gave us each a shot at experiencing joy. After all we are His most beloved creation. The problem is that as humans we search for joy in all the wrong places.
Therefore the joy we receive is just a sporadic sampling, a mere fraction of the real deal, a clever counterfeit of genuine joy. We look for joy in the external – not the internal or eternal.
The secret to a joy filled life is so close, so obvious, that we just miss it. We search everywhere but the right place. We all want something more from our lives in some way or another. Yet we struggle with how to get from where we are to where we want to go. For example:
“William” wants to earn more money for his family. He constantly complains that he is under paid rather than working to increase his value in the marketplace. It is not long before he begins to think – When they pay me more, I’ll start being more valuable.
“Sally” wants a closer relationship with her husband, but she constantly reminds herself of the reasons why that will never happen. Rather than expecting the best in her marriage, she is mentally retreating and resigning herself to a future of disappointment.
We live in a society that is bent on highlighting what is wrong with just about everything. Good news does not make the front page. A 70 percent chance of sunshine is expressed as a 30 percent chance of rain.
We are not immune in the church. We walk out of church on Sunday mornings like Entertainment critics, discussing what we liked or didn’t like rather than considering what God was trying to say to us through the message or music.
Kids bring home grade cards with As, Bs, and a C, and we discuss how the grades can improve as if the better grades didn’t exist. Given enough time we can find fault with just about anything.
We constantly put the Spotlight in the wrong place. What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if living with joy was our birthright. What if it is God’s intention that we be joyful always.
Being joy-filled does not mean that your life is perfect. It doesn’t mean that your life is great. What it does mean is that you emphatically trust God and believe that He has great plans for your life, regardless of what is happening right now.
Joy is infectious and uncontainable. Joy is an outward sign of an inward faith in the promises of God.
Here is the problem: our human nature with an assist from modern culture, promotes the idea that solutions must be deep and complicated in order to be of value. But lasting solutions are often the simplest in nature.
Joy is within us, but it must be released. The secret conversations you hold in the privacy of your own mind are shaping your destiny little by little. With every thought that races through your mind you are continually reinventing yourself and your future.
Research indicates that the average person thinks about 50,000 thoughts per day. This is either good news or bad news because every thought moves you either toward your God-given potential or away from it. No thoughts are neutral. Whatever you direct your mind to think about will ultimately be revealed for everyone to see. What you persistently think eventually, or inevitability, crystallizes into the words you speak and then the things you do.
You have authority over your thoughts. God will not force you to exercise this part of your free will any more than God will force you exercise, eat healthy, read the Bible, or wear your seat belt. It is your choice.
Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
To find the joy in life we must renew our minds and be willing to go against culture. Do you know that you cannot be joy filled without thinking joyful thoughts?
You cannot worry without thinking worrisome thoughts.
You cannot be afraid without thinking fearful thoughts.
Can you remember a time when you were thinking of hope and happiness but felt depressed at the same time? Can you imagine acting lovingly while thinking bitter thoughts of anger and resentment?
While thinking, you have but that moment in time. You have the gift of the present moment! As a result thinking, talking, and worrying about what you don’t want can never bring you what you do want. The importance of right thinking is emphasized throughout scripture:
Prov 23:7 For as man thinks in his heart, so is he
Prov 4:23 Above every charge keep thy heart, For out of it are the outgoings of life
Job 3:25 What I was afraid of has come upon me. What filled me with fear has happened.
Matt 15:18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart
Jesus knew that our persistent thoughts would eventually lead to action. Why else equate lustful thoughts with lustful deeds? The way you think can either multiply or shrink your gifts or talents. What have you been thinking?
I’m never going to be happy That’s just the way life is
This probably won’t work I just don’t have what it takes
I am not worthy I could never do that
I can’t That’s typical
That’s just my luck We’re just growing apart
I’m never going to remember his name It’s hopeless
I have to accept my limitations I’m just not creative
I’m just not meant to be happy We can’t agree on anything
I am Murphy’s Law Nothing good ever happens to me
The Bible teaches that you will reap what you sow.
That is also true in your thought life.
As much as you might try, you cannot think one thing and experience something else. You cannot think critically about your spouse, even if you believe it is warranted, and reap true intimacy. You cannot think negatively and live positively any more than you can plant apple seeds and harvest oranges.
If you desire to live a joy-filled life you must keep your thoughts fixed on the things of God. Even though we are free to choose what we think about, we often tell ourselves destructive things that limit us. Pay attention to almost any conversation for about ten minutes and you will hear toxic self-talk, whining, commiserating, blaming, condemning, and justifying. Some will insist they are not negative but merely realistic. The rationalizations we give may be convincing and socially acceptable but there are consequences for the way we think.
I had this epiphany while on the golf course . . .
Have you ever stopped to consider that the golf course was designed to be played from the tee to the fairway to the green. Yet the average golfer spends most of his time thinking about all the places he doesn't want his ball to go. All of the hazards were put there to distract you and alter your thought process. They are there to deceive you. Life is the same way.
What we dwell on. What we think on will affect our actions and outcomes.
Paul gave us the key to finding joy in Philippians 4:8:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
This is our daily thought to-do list. Paul is reminding us of the choice we have every moment of every day. There will always be some junk in our lives and there will always be some greatness. Where you have been, what you have done, and where you - matter far less than where you are trying to get to. Your health and your finances are in outstanding condition, but you’re facing learning difficulties with one of your children. Maybe your kids are thriving, but your marriage is in a rut. Perhaps your family is wonderful, but you are disappointed with your friends, your weight, or your faith.
You will always have something to complain about, BUT you will always have some blessings to count. You have the choice to count your blessings or choose to complain. When you choose to focus on the positive, by nature you will seek to find more positive things to dwell on. You will eventually find more joy, more enthusiasm, and more gratitude. Your outlook becomes contagious and you create a virtuous cycle rather than a vicious cycle. Think about it.
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Today, this week, this month, the rest of the year . . . .
Things will not always go right. On the golf course of life, your ball will not always end up where you intended it to be. It is in those moments that you are confronted with a choice – how will you respond? What thoughts will you have? Can you find the joy in life that God intended for you?
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
May you discover the joy that God has intended for you.
Day 253 a note from God: Ezra 1-3
When they arrived at the LORD’s house in Jerusalem, some of the heads of the families brought spontaneous gifts for the rebuilding of God’s house on its site. According to their means, they gave to the building fund 61,000 drachmen of gold, 5,000 manehs of silver, and 100 priestly robes.
Ezra 2:68-69 CEB
Giving to the church?
I think that is one of the problems we have in church today . . . we view are giving as giving to an institution. The reality is we give our gifts to God not an institution.
Not only that, but did you catch the other message?
"According to their means"
That is to say there is no formula for giving.
Each person gave as they were able.
Tithing is measuring stick. Some give more some give less, but we need a goal to measure against.
Are you giving according to your means? Are you still giving based on a standard of years gone by.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Day 252 a note from God: Daniel 10-12
But then a hand touched me, lifting me up to my hands and knees.
The man said to me, “Daniel, you are greatly treasured. Now grasp the meaning of what I’m saying to you. And stand up, because I’ve been sent to you.”
Daniel 10:10-11 CEB
You are greatly treasured.
We all need to hear those words.
Perhaps you need to hear those words today.
You are greatly treasured.
I don't pretend to totally comprehend the total meaning of being chosen and treasured by God.
I do remember what it was like to not be chosen. To not make the team. To not get the job.
I know I relish the moments that I am reminder that God has chosen me.
Today I relish in the fact that God has reminded me that I am treasured.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Day 251 a note from God: Daniel 7-9
Daniel prayed as was his practice.
May our prayers be like his:
As I prayed to the LORD my God, I made this confession:
Please, my Lord—you are the great and awesome God, the one who keeps the covenant, and truly faithful to all who love him and keep his commands: We have sinned and done wrong. We have brought guilt on ourselves and rebelled, ignoring your commands and your laws. We haven’t listened to your servants, the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our leaders, our parents, and to all the land’s people. Righteousness belongs to you, my Lord! But we are ashamed this day—we, the people of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, all Israel whether near or far, in whatever country where you’ve driven them because of their unfaithfulness when they broke faith with you. LORD, we are ashamed—we, our kings, our leaders, and our parents who sinned against you. Compassion and deep forgiveness belong to my Lord, our God, because we rebelled against him. We didn’t listen to the voice of the LORD our God by following the teachings he gave us through his servants, the prophets . . .
We pray our prayers for help to you, not because of any righteous acts of ours but because of your great compassion. My Lord, listen! My Lord, forgive! My Lord, pay attention and act! Don’t delay! My God, do all this for your own sake, because your city and your people are called by your name.
Daniel 9:4-10,18b-19 CEB
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Day 250 a note from God: Daniel 4-6
When Daniel learned that the document had been signed, he went to his house. Now his upper room had open windows that faced Jerusalem. Daniel knelt down, prayed, and praised his God three times that day, just like he always did.
Daniel 6:10 CEB
I love the last part of this verse . . . just like he always did.
Most of us know the story about Daniel in the lion's den. Some of us know he got there by breaking the king's rule. Few remember the rule was about praying to anyone but the king for a thirty day period.
Daniel was not protesting.
Daniel was not making a statement.
Daniel was not trying to bring to light an injustice.
Daniel was simply doing what he always did - pray!
When it comes to your relationship with God, what will people say you always do?
Daniel 6:10 CEB
I love the last part of this verse . . . just like he always did.
Most of us know the story about Daniel in the lion's den. Some of us know he got there by breaking the king's rule. Few remember the rule was about praying to anyone but the king for a thirty day period.
Daniel was not protesting.
Daniel was not making a statement.
Daniel was not trying to bring to light an injustice.
Daniel was simply doing what he always did - pray!
When it comes to your relationship with God, what will people say you always do?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Day 249 a note from God : Daniel 1-3
Daniel said,
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are His"
Daniel 2:20 NIV
Three chapters into Daniel it is not hard to understand why Daniel would make such a statement:
Chapter One God honors Daniel's choice and reveals the strength that can come from honoring God.
Chapter Two God provides wisdom that no one else could find.
Chapter Three God protects and honors the choices of those who serve Him.
Consider all that God has done for you . . .
When is the last time you offered your praise in return?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day 248 a note from God: Joel
The day of the LORD is great; it stirs up great fear — who can endure it?
Change your hearts. Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with all your hearts, with fasting, with weeping, and with sorrow; tear your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the LORD your God, for He is merciful and compassionate, very patient, full of faithful love, and ready to forgive.
Joel 2:11b-13 CEB
Joel continues the theme regarding "The Day of the LORD".
This day of great judgment is coming and all we caught in it.
Fear of this day was great and growing. Joel asks, "Who will endure it?"
Perhaps, the question should have been, "How will you endure it?"
God answers with peculiar words "tear your hearts and not your clothes."
In those days, you will tear your clothes as a sign of your sorrow or repentance (change). Many would use this sign as a public "proof" that they had changed, but reality was they acted no differently
To make even more understandable, you will not be able to 'work' your way out of this pending judgment - the only way to endure is to change your heart. Or this would be another way of saying we are saved by faith and not by works. Or this would be "don't just day your sorry, but really mean it."
Has your heart been changed or are your still piling up torn garments?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Day 247 a note from God: Exekiel 46-48
When he brought me back to the temple’s entrance, I noticed that water was flowing toward the east from under the temple’s threshold (the temple faced east). The water was going out from under the temple’s facade toward the south, south of the altar. He led me out through the North Gate and around the outside to the outer East Gate, where the water flowed out under the facade on the south side. With the line in his hand, the man went out toward the east. When he measured off fifteen hundred feet, he made me cross the water; it was ankle-deep. He measured off another fifteen hundred feet and made me cross the water; it was knee-deep. He measured off another fifteen hundred feet and made me cross the water, and it was waist-high. When he measured off another fifteen hundred feet, it had become a river that I couldn’t cross. The water was high, deep enough for swimming but too high to cross.
Ezekiel 47:1-5 CEB
Water is consistently used as a metaphor throughout scripture. From Moses and the Red Sea to Jesus and the fountain of living water. No one is quite sure what is meant by Ezekiel's vision of water. There are many interpretations, but I like Adam Clarke's concept as he writes in his commentary:
These waters may be considered as a type of the progress which Christianity shall make in the world. 1. There were only a few poor fishermen. 2. Afterwards many Jews. 3. Then the Gentiles of Asia Minor and Greece. 4. The continent and isles of Europe. And, 5. Now spreading through Africa, Asia, and America, at present these waters are no longer a river, but an immense sea; and the Gospel fishers are daily bringing multitudes of souls to Christ.
The varying waters have also been used as a metaphor to describe our journey of faith. Just as God asked Ezekiel, “Do you see?”
What progress are you in making the waters of faith?
Have you pushed out into the deep?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9-11-01 Remembered and 3 lingering Questions
10 years later we gather as countless others across this country have gathered. We gather to reflect . . . to remember . . . to honor . . . And as we gather, I believe we bring 3 common questions that we still seek answers to . . .
Where were you?
September 11th has become one of those days – Pearl Harbor – JFK –
We ask “Where were you?” and we each have a story. We need to tell these stories. By telling the stories we remember and we honor.
We tell our stories and in so doing we discover that life has gone which leads to Question #2 Where was God?
This is a question that is uttered even today in the midst of destruction and devastation – State Fair Stage Collapses, Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake, a Car Crash, a terminal illness, and more . . .
But on this day 10 years ago, even one police chaplain working at the site in NYC was overheard to say, “Where is God in this?” I don’t have a problem with the question. I have a problem with the bad theology that often results from the answers.
The answers like . . . God punished America or this was God’s wake up call to us or all things work for the good of God; therefore, God must have caused this to happen. Really? We needed a wake of call. God used this as punishment . . . all these thoughts leads us to affirm that somehow God wanted this to happen. Too many good people died that day for it to have been a good thing . . .
This was a tragic and sad day for everyone . . .
So, how do you reconcile a loving God with the events of 9-11?
First, I do not believe God caused 9-11. These events were not meant to teach us or America or the world nor were they meant as a means of punishment. We may not completely understand what motivated the individuals involved, but we certainly know a lot more about terrorism and what motivates terrorists. We don’t have to agree with them, but at least we have an idea of what motivates them. The events of 9-11 were driven by the actions of these individuals.
But that can somehow lead us to believing then that God was absent on this day. But, if we completely remove God from the equation we are left with an empty and hopeless situation. This event was not empty and we gather today because I believe it was not hopeless . . .
I saw God in the many people that responded that day treating people in the midst of the rubble and chaos . . .
I saw God in the medical and rescue teams who were moved by the tragedy and immediately left their homes to go and assist . . .
I saw God in the outpouring of supplies, prayers, all for the people we did not know . . .
A story that emerged from the rubble came from one of the rescue workers who found a cross two days after the collapse of the twin towers. The cross was from World Trade Tower One, and was found in World Trade Building Six. He actually found several crosses standing upright in the smoldering wreckage days after the attacks. Crossbeams that had fallen from the top of the collapsing north tower landed in this unusual position. "The crosses were just shards of steel that came from Tower 1, and went right through the roof of Building 6 and destroyed the entire center of it," he explained. He marked the site by spray-painting on a nearby wall the words "God's House," and a directional arrow. In the days that followed this site became a place of quiet comfort and strength to all who entered.
God was not the source of the events. But God was the source of generosity that saw the outpouring of people giving to aid the victims.
God was not the source of the events. But God was the source of comfort and strength for those who lost loved ones and waited for news.
God was not the source of the events. But God was the source of the comfort and the hope that people found as they buried their dead.
God was not the source of the events. But God is the reason we gather as church communities united in faith to remember the sacrifice by so many
You see, if you take God completely out of the equation of 9-11 - - - you still have all the death and destruction, BUT you will have removed the single most important source of comfort and hope!
We need to be reminded: That no what happens or what we have done we cannot out distance ourselves from God.
I believe then as now, God was there every bit as much as He is here with us this day. But even the discovery of God in the midst of tragedy leads us to one final question.
So what? What difference will it make?
We each are left with a need to respond. That need to respond in part brings us together this day. What will come of this day? How will we be different because of this day? What will we learn?
My hope as we gather this day and as we continue to seek an appropriate response to the actions on 9-11-01 is that we will continue to:
1. Show Respect and Gratitude for those that run towards and not away from danger. We are thankful for the safety and peace we have each day. To sleep at night. To live in relative peace. We are more apt to say thank you to those who serve and have served to keep this peace.
2. We continue to remember. The tragedy would be for us to not learn and to just forget. The tragedy would be to forget and not be changed the events. The events of this day 10 years ago give us perspective; help us to recapture hope/resolve for a better tomorrow; and they strengthen our need for community and unity.
3. We continue to Respond
We Pray for those who protect us, give us a sense of peace.
We Pray for peace, the end of war (that has been in part our on-going response).
We Pray for wisdom and unity as we continue to respond as a country.
We Act bu volunteering to make this world better.
We act by sacrificing our time for the greater good.
We Give by living even more generously.
One last personal observation as we seek to respond:
This day provides a stark reminder this day for Jesus’ words in John 15:13
“Greater love has no friend than to lay down his life for a friend”
When I visited NYC I was drawn to St. Paul’s Chapel right by the World Trade Center. In that Chapel that became a resting place for the rescue workers is a memorial plaque right by the entrance:
may it be said of us all that we died in the midst of our usefulness . . .
As Christ died for each of us might we live for Him . . .
Never forget the great sacrifice made on your behalf.
What I learned this Summer . . . Fishing
It would seem to me that a pastor answering the call to preach and teach (in the line of those that takes it tradition all the way back to the original fishers of men – Peter, James, John, and Andrew) would naturally take to fishing. So here’s the rub - not me! I don’t like fishing. I have tried it and I find no enjoyment in it.
One time I even spent a day, ok an afternoon, ok a few hours, deep sea fishing off the Cayman Islands. I’d tell you about it but I don’t remember much other than it was boring. I sat in the chair and prayed- back and forth - catch something - no wait I don’t want to catch something. In the end, I caught nothing and was happy about that – I would really have hated to have landed something worthy of being a trophy and then not want the trophy.
I once listened to stories for hours with fascination about guys going noodling in Oklahoma. Great stories - but no thanks on the invite to try it. I once caught a catfish with my Uncle Jim. He was really excited for me. I was bored.
Perhaps the reason I don’t like fishing is because I’m not much of a fish eater. I once was at a very expensive seafood restaurant that specialized in fresh fish from all over the world. Seeing that steak was not an option, I asked the waiter to bring me a fish entrée that would taste like chicken! Now the thought that you need to like to eat fish to enjoy fishing is nice, but don’t think you need to like hotdogs and peanuts in order to like baseball. And although you can fish for golf balls, I have never eaten one and I still love the game of golf (but that is for next week!).
I don’t like fishing. And before you tell me all about fishing, my dislike of fishing is not related to my lack of understanding of Fishing:
1) Pick a spot. Never forget that the way to catch a fish is first to identify the place where they are. People make great money taking people to the place where the fish are. They are called guides.
2) Pick the right bait. Depending on the type of fish and the conditions you are fishing in there are a myriad of choices both right and wrong in selecting your bait. Bait has gone way beyond earth worms, night crawlers, and crickets.
3) Wait for the fish to bite. This is line fishing and you have to be patient.
4) Reel them in. There is an art to be learned in landing a fish (or so I am told).
5) Decide to Keep or Release. Sometimes there will be stories of the one that got away or as I have learned there will always be the story of the one that got away. I suppose as the adage goes that is why they call it fishing and not catching! And part of the sport is to catch and then release – don’t quite understand that part of it. But in limit fishing you also only keep the best and the biggest to either eat or mount as a trophy.
So even with my limited understanding of fishing, fishing is still bores me. But here is what really bothers me about the fact that I dislike fishing so much:
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19 NIV
Now I know when Jesus said this He was not calling me to fish, but rather to do that dreaded word evangelism. I confess that I often have thought of fishing for men much like I think about fishing – Boring! Not fun. Not for me.
I believe that too often we as Christians have approached the idea of evangelism the same way I approach fishing? Perhaps you have thought the same and so here is what I think we can do about it:
1) Picking a spot to fish is much like identifying a person that needs to hear about God’s love. Do you know people that need to know God? Have you begun to pray for them regularly? Pick your spot. But who would you talk to?
If the world was a village of 1000 . . .
175 would be Muslim
127 would be Hindu
54 would be Budhist
300 would be Christian
300 would claim no religion . . .
Of those 300, 75% are looking for some kind of relationship with God
and 82% said they would say yes to invite to church
2)Pick the right bait. I think the church has become misguided in our desire to create the right bait. I believe that too often we have tried to ‘sell’ Jesus as a magic elixir to cure all troubles and when that doesn’t work – people move on to the next product. The right bait in catching people is another person genuinely loving and caring about them.
3) Wait for something to happen. There is nothing passive about sharing your faith. How long would someone need to spend with you to learn about your job, your family, your hobbies? How long before they learned about your faith and love for God? We should be looking for opportunities.
4) Reel them in. The same could be said of evangelism, but it is not as hard as you might think. Too often we think that we need to lecture or teach or we need to have special training. What we really need is to be able to understand what we believe and why we believe it. All you need to be able to do with someone is tell them what you believe and why – Your job in sharing your faith is NOT to tell them what to believe or even to convince them (let the Holy Spirit take care of that) – you just be faithful to share your story. (BTW you need a story to share!)
5) Catch or release. Sometimes there will be stories of the one that got away or did not respond to my invitation – I might add that at least you will have a story about fishing! But church we must be careful that we do not make decisions before we even fish. One of John Wesley’s tenets was that the Gospel was for “all” or everyone – small or big, rich or poor, old or young, black or white, etc. Wesley took the Gospel to those that were outside the area of acceptance for the ‘normal’ church.
So to sum up, Church it does not matter if you like fishing or not. We are called to be fishers of men. Now, as much as I hate fishing, I have learned that the reality is that it is something we are called to do in our lives. We are always fishing and some of us are better at it than others, but it does not let us “off the hook” from the process. And just as Jesus promised to those who would follow Him long ago that “He would be with us – even to the end of the age” – Jesus still fulfills His promise today to make us fishers of men, women, families, friends, children, co-workers, neighbors, etc.
We who have chosen to follow Christ have a story to tell. There are people waiting, wanting, and needing the blessings that come from the story of faith that you have to tell. Will you join me?
Do you have a story of faith to tell? If not talk to me, I would love to share my story of faith with you. I’ll buy the coffee and we can go fishing together.
Day 246 a note from God: Ezekiel 44-45
The LORD said to me, This gate remains closed. It shouldn’t be opened. No one should come in through it because the LORD, Israel’s God, has entered through it. It will remain closed. As for the prince, he may sit in it to eat bread in the LORD’s presence. He may come in and go out by way of the gate’s porch.
Ezekiel 44:2-3 CEB
Today is one of those days. You read the Bible and scratch your head.
People a great deal smarter, or at least more learned, than I have tried for centuries to understand what Ezekiel meant. For that matter, what God was trying to tell us in these passages.
This is one of those passages that I leave to the Pan-theologists - "It will pan out in the end!"
I have no idea what God is trying to say.
I am left trusting those portions of the Bible that I do understand.
I am left with the hope that one day I will understand this passage as well.
After all, Paul said, "I look through the glass dimly, but one day I will see clearly."
Until that say, keep reading . . .
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Day 245 a note from God: Exekiel 42-43
He used the same measuring rod on all four sides. Ezekiel 42:16a
This phrase jumped off the page today.
We live in a culture that has come to believe that there are multiple standards of judgment. In other words, the rich get to play by the rules they make and the rest of us are left to the system of judgment.
God makes it clear in this vision given to Ezekiel that God uses the same measuring rod all the time.
That is both good and bad news.
Good News that everyone will be judged equally.
Bad News everyone will be judged by God's measures and not the world's.
Question for the day: How you measuring up?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Day 244 a note from God: Ezekiel 40-41
In God’s visions, he brought me to the land of Israel and set me down on a very high mountain, where there was a city structure to the south.
Ezekiel 40:2 CEB
As if Ezekiel hasn't been hard enough to understand. Beginning in chapter 40 and continuing to the end of the book, there are some of the most difficult passages in the Bible to understand.
Matthew Henry stated in his commentary "when we despair to be satisfied as to any difficulty we meet with, let us bless God that our salvation does not depend upon it, but that things necessary are plain enough; and let us wait till God shall reveal even this unto us."
Can I get an "Amen!"
My relationship with God is not dependent on understanding all of Ezekiel. The things I need to understand are straight forward and simple. And it is okay to let the rest settle themselves out.
I'll try to provide some insight over the next couple of days.
Don't despair in your reading or your understanding. People have been trying to figure out Ezekiel's vision ever since he wrote it down.
Ezekiel 40:2 CEB
As if Ezekiel hasn't been hard enough to understand. Beginning in chapter 40 and continuing to the end of the book, there are some of the most difficult passages in the Bible to understand.
Matthew Henry stated in his commentary "when we despair to be satisfied as to any difficulty we meet with, let us bless God that our salvation does not depend upon it, but that things necessary are plain enough; and let us wait till God shall reveal even this unto us."
Can I get an "Amen!"
My relationship with God is not dependent on understanding all of Ezekiel. The things I need to understand are straight forward and simple. And it is okay to let the rest settle themselves out.
I'll try to provide some insight over the next couple of days.
Don't despair in your reading or your understanding. People have been trying to figure out Ezekiel's vision ever since he wrote it down.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Day 243 a note from God: Ezekiel 38-39
He asked me,
“Human one, can these bones live again?”
I said,
“LORD God, only you know.”
Ezekiel 37:3 CEB
I realize this was in yesterday's reading, but this is my blog. So my choice.
I love Ezekiel's response.
God asks a question that has a very simple response.
Can dead bones live again?
Are you kidding me? I know this one - No Way! Those are bones. They are dead and and gone.
Ezekiel has been around long enough. He has been around God long enough.
Ezekiel is not going to be Peter and yell out the first thing that comes to mind.
I imagine Ezekiel took a deep breath. Looked around. Thought about his answer.
Rethought his answer and then said the only thing that could possibly makes sense in that moment, “God, only you know.”
We need to learn to respond more like Ezekiel.
God asks us everyday to do things that we want to say, "No way. Can't do it."
We need to take a breath. Survey the situation.
And then say, "With God all things are possible. What you want me to do?"
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Day 242 a note from God:Ezekiel 35-37
Then you will remember your evil ways and no-good deeds,
and you will feel disgust for yourselves because
of your sinful and detestable practices.
Ezekiel 36:31 CEB
This passage today reminded me of the "ought to" proof of God.
It goes something like this . . .
How do you know that God is real?
Think of those moments when you did something, but part of you said, "I ought to not be doing this." Or think of those times you started to walk the other way and that voice inside you said, "You ought to do something."
That "Ought to" for me is the voice of God - The Holy Spirit - speaking to you.
Without God we are self-seeking individuals. The fingerprint of God on our very existence is the voice that calls out to you.
You ought to be . . .
You ought not be . . .
Don't miss this voice either . . . You are called to more than this . . .
You are one of God's children.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Day 241 a note from God: Ezekiel 32-34
The LORD’s word came to me: Human one, speak to your people and say to them: Suppose I bring a sword against a country, and the people of the land take a certain person from their assembly and make him their lookout. When he sees the sword coming against the land, he blows the trumpet and warns the people. If they hear the sound of the trumpet but don’t heed the warning, when the sword comes and they are taken away, they are responsible for their blood. They heard the sound of the trumpet but didn’t heed the warning, so their blood is on them. If they had paid attention to the warning, they would have saved their lives. If the lookout sees the sword coming but doesn’t blow the trumpet to warn the people, when the sword comes and takes away any of them, they are taken away in their sin, but I’ll hold the lookout responsible for their blood.
Ezekiel 33:1-6 CEB
These words from Ezekiel help explain his reason for spreading the word about the coming destruction.
Now read the words again, but place yourself in the role various roles described in the passage.
How do you respond when you hear the alarm?
How do you act as the lookout?
You who have heard God's word have a responsibility to share God's word.
Judgement is coming have you heard the alarm?
Have you shared the news? - the Good News that is . . .
Monday, September 5, 2011
Day 240 a note from God:Ezekiel 28-31
Human one, say to the prince of Tyre, The LORD God proclaims: In your arrogance, you say, “I am God, and as God I rule the seas!” Though you claim to have the mind of a god, you are mortal, not divine.
Ezekiel 28:2 CEB
Apparently the desire to gain wealth, power, and control has been around for awhile.
Additionally, the problems assoicated with the accumulation of these things has been around for while as well. They can lead to a sense of self-sufficiency and consequently the sense that there is no need for God.
Ezekiel delivers a message that dispels the self-indulgent thought. As a matter of fact it is a message that self-indulgence is coming to and end and with that end - judgement.
Reminds me of a story Jesus once told of about a Rich man that was revealed to be a fool.
I guess we have yet to learn the lesson.
What or who is your God?
Sunday, September 4, 2011
What I learned this Summer at the ballpark
Baseball is a grind. It’s not the length of the season, as many other sports last for a similar amount of time, it is the day after day after day performance during the season. No other sport competes like baseball. You may have won the game yesterday and walked off the hero, but it all starts again today with a new game and a blank scoreboard. It is that very grind of the season that in part draws me to baseball.
It is the annual hope that springs eternal – this will be the year! It is the daily action – the daily chance to redeem yourself - the chance to go from yesterday’s goat to today’s hero in less than 24 hours. But, it is that grind that can get to you if you are not careful . . .
The “it” for you might be your career, your family, your faith, you name “it”.
Life is a grind at best some days and if the daily grind can get to the best imagine what it can do to the rest of us. The grind of baseball has gotten to me this summer. For the first time in 10 years, my Minnesota Twins have had a terrible summer. The grind of watching them day after day has worn on me. I’ve been through losing with them before, but this was different - Players were constantly hurt - Simple plays were blown – it has just been hard to watch. I now truly understand what it must be like every year for a Chicago Cubs Fan.
I think Zephaniah would have a liked the daily grind of a baseball season. I think he would have understood my depression this season. After all, he was one of the prophets that daily was bringing the same message of destruction and repentance to a nation of people that seemingly were deaf. For him each day was grind.
Allow me to explain.
Background Information on Zephaniah:
• Time period: 640 B.C. – 621 B.C. same time Josiah becomes king
• Contemporary with the prophet Jeremiah
• Josiah was King when the book of the law was found
• evidence suggests that Zephaniah played a role in the reform of the nation
• Prophet foretold the destruction of Nineveh and several other cities
• Purpose of Zephaniah was to ‘shake’ the people from their complacency
• Zephaniah had a tough message to deliver
• His message is balanced with an incredible message of hope (3:17).
The people had become complacent. Zephaniah issues a call to return to the basics (2:1-3). The people needed to return to the basic tenets of their faith. The basics are important. Ball players at any level practice – they take grounders, they shag fly balls, and they take batting practice.
At every level, they continue to practice the basics. A manager will often talk about his team forgetting the basics after a particularly embarrassing loss. As a player continues to advance and practice – they are better – not only at the basics, but at the game of baseball as well.
Now let’s forget the baseball stories for a moment because I don’t want you to miss the wonderful message of hope that Zephaniah has for you today.
Zephaniah 3:5 (simple translation) says:
"Every new day, God will not fail." You can fill in the blanks
Your co-workers will fail you some days, your boss will fail you, your family will fail you, your mate (or boy/girlfriend) will fail you, politicians and governments will fail you, your church will fail you, fellow believers will fail you, even spiritual leaders will fail you. But "every new day, God will not fail."
God has based some of His central promises on daily delivery because we don't experience our life as weeks, or months, or even years. Rather, we experience life a day at a time. It is then that we become amazed as the days add up. God meets our needs in the form of “daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). “God’s mercies are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23). In Psalm 68:19, we're told that God is our "Savior, who daily bears our burdens." That's a good thing, because that's how we experience our burdens isn't it? Each day the weight of the burden is there waiting for us to pick it up. Deuteronomy 33:25 promises us that "your strength will equal your days." You will never have a day for which you do not have matching strength, even if some days give you more to carry than you have ever carried before.
Paul says, “do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). So, no matter how battered you got yesterday, no matter how tough the grind has become, God has promised that He will give you a renewing, rejuvenating, re-energizing touch each new day.
Think about that . . . even in those moments of the day when we fail, when we cannot go one more step, when we have had enough, when the grid is more than we can take – God is right there! God has promised He will be there with a renewing touch in our lives.
Allow me to finish with one final baseball story (San Francisco Chronicle June 1999 by Bruce Jenkins)
On September 14 1986, Bob Brenly was playing third base for the San Francisco Giants. Brenly, a catcher by trade, wasn't at all thrilled about his third-base assignment that day.
They say the baseball always finds the man who doesn't want it -- the emergency shortstop, the pitcher playing right field, the out-of-position catcher. On this sunny, calm afternoon, Brenly was a veritable magnet in the top of the fourth.
First came a routine grounder by Bob Horner, and Brenly booted it badly. "No problem there," he said. "I expect to make one error a day down there."
The Braves wound up loading the bases, and Glenn Hubbard hit a little nubber down the third-base line. This time, Brenly not only dropped the ball, enabling a run to score, he made a hurried, off-balance throw at least six feet wide of home plate. With the runners taking second and third, that meant two errors on a single play, and three for the inning.
"At that point I was thinking, 'Please, don't hit me anymore,' Brenly said at the time. "I would have hid under the bag if I could."
That would have been a safe place to watch the next development, a screaming line drive toward Brenly off the bat of the pitcher, scoring two more runs for 4-0. This one was ruled a single, too hot to handle, but Brenly was drifting into the Twilight Zone now, getting the chills as he realized that every single play was coming his way.
Fully shell-shocked, Brenly made his fourth error on a grounder hit directly at him by Dale Murphy. There was no further damage on the scoreboard, but when the team returned to the dugout, Brenly was a different man.
Brenly now has his name in the record book – Four errors in one inning – heck four errors in one game would have done it! As would be expected, the Braves were winning the game. The game progressed, but the Giants were still losing.
And then . . . it was Brenly’s turn to bat in the ninth, two outs and the count full, the last pitch, the last chance . . . and he hit a homerun to win the game.
In the words of Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”
God gives us the opportunity to begin again each moment, each day.
Like in baseball, what happened in the past (the fourth inning and all those errors) doesn’t matter. God promises to meet us each day with just what we need: "Every new day, God will not fail!"
Look, life is a grind, so, some days you're going to wake up anxious. Some days you're going to wake up dreading the day. Some days you're going to be excited about what's ahead. Other days you're going to be overwhelmed by what's ahead, or some days you may be discouraged, or eager, or exhausted.
Sometimes in the middle of the day, you are going to feel like Bob Brenly – you want to crawl under a bag and hide. You will want to quit. But however you feel, no matter what that day holds - God will be there. So why don't you claim God's guarantee for yourself. In fact, say it with me now because you need to hear yourself say it, "Every new day . . . God will not fail!"
We understand Major League Pitcher Andy Petitte when he says, “it is tough to stick around.” After all life is sometimes a grind and sometimes that grind stinks, but I invite you to find hope in a God that is there with you.
I invite you to find joy in the promise that God is with you each day “as a strong and mighty warrior to save you” and as a giver of “mercy each new morning.”
God will not fail you!
It is the annual hope that springs eternal – this will be the year! It is the daily action – the daily chance to redeem yourself - the chance to go from yesterday’s goat to today’s hero in less than 24 hours. But, it is that grind that can get to you if you are not careful . . .
The “it” for you might be your career, your family, your faith, you name “it”.
Life is a grind at best some days and if the daily grind can get to the best imagine what it can do to the rest of us. The grind of baseball has gotten to me this summer. For the first time in 10 years, my Minnesota Twins have had a terrible summer. The grind of watching them day after day has worn on me. I’ve been through losing with them before, but this was different - Players were constantly hurt - Simple plays were blown – it has just been hard to watch. I now truly understand what it must be like every year for a Chicago Cubs Fan.
I think Zephaniah would have a liked the daily grind of a baseball season. I think he would have understood my depression this season. After all, he was one of the prophets that daily was bringing the same message of destruction and repentance to a nation of people that seemingly were deaf. For him each day was grind.
Allow me to explain.
Background Information on Zephaniah:
• Time period: 640 B.C. – 621 B.C. same time Josiah becomes king
• Contemporary with the prophet Jeremiah
• Josiah was King when the book of the law was found
• evidence suggests that Zephaniah played a role in the reform of the nation
• Prophet foretold the destruction of Nineveh and several other cities
• Purpose of Zephaniah was to ‘shake’ the people from their complacency
• Zephaniah had a tough message to deliver
• His message is balanced with an incredible message of hope (3:17).
The people had become complacent. Zephaniah issues a call to return to the basics (2:1-3). The people needed to return to the basic tenets of their faith. The basics are important. Ball players at any level practice – they take grounders, they shag fly balls, and they take batting practice.
At every level, they continue to practice the basics. A manager will often talk about his team forgetting the basics after a particularly embarrassing loss. As a player continues to advance and practice – they are better – not only at the basics, but at the game of baseball as well.
Now let’s forget the baseball stories for a moment because I don’t want you to miss the wonderful message of hope that Zephaniah has for you today.
Zephaniah 3:5 (simple translation) says:
"Every new day, God will not fail." You can fill in the blanks
Your co-workers will fail you some days, your boss will fail you, your family will fail you, your mate (or boy/girlfriend) will fail you, politicians and governments will fail you, your church will fail you, fellow believers will fail you, even spiritual leaders will fail you. But "every new day, God will not fail."
God has based some of His central promises on daily delivery because we don't experience our life as weeks, or months, or even years. Rather, we experience life a day at a time. It is then that we become amazed as the days add up. God meets our needs in the form of “daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). “God’s mercies are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23). In Psalm 68:19, we're told that God is our "Savior, who daily bears our burdens." That's a good thing, because that's how we experience our burdens isn't it? Each day the weight of the burden is there waiting for us to pick it up. Deuteronomy 33:25 promises us that "your strength will equal your days." You will never have a day for which you do not have matching strength, even if some days give you more to carry than you have ever carried before.
Paul says, “do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). So, no matter how battered you got yesterday, no matter how tough the grind has become, God has promised that He will give you a renewing, rejuvenating, re-energizing touch each new day.
Think about that . . . even in those moments of the day when we fail, when we cannot go one more step, when we have had enough, when the grid is more than we can take – God is right there! God has promised He will be there with a renewing touch in our lives.
Allow me to finish with one final baseball story (San Francisco Chronicle June 1999 by Bruce Jenkins)
On September 14 1986, Bob Brenly was playing third base for the San Francisco Giants. Brenly, a catcher by trade, wasn't at all thrilled about his third-base assignment that day.
They say the baseball always finds the man who doesn't want it -- the emergency shortstop, the pitcher playing right field, the out-of-position catcher. On this sunny, calm afternoon, Brenly was a veritable magnet in the top of the fourth.
First came a routine grounder by Bob Horner, and Brenly booted it badly. "No problem there," he said. "I expect to make one error a day down there."
The Braves wound up loading the bases, and Glenn Hubbard hit a little nubber down the third-base line. This time, Brenly not only dropped the ball, enabling a run to score, he made a hurried, off-balance throw at least six feet wide of home plate. With the runners taking second and third, that meant two errors on a single play, and three for the inning.
"At that point I was thinking, 'Please, don't hit me anymore,' Brenly said at the time. "I would have hid under the bag if I could."
That would have been a safe place to watch the next development, a screaming line drive toward Brenly off the bat of the pitcher, scoring two more runs for 4-0. This one was ruled a single, too hot to handle, but Brenly was drifting into the Twilight Zone now, getting the chills as he realized that every single play was coming his way.
Fully shell-shocked, Brenly made his fourth error on a grounder hit directly at him by Dale Murphy. There was no further damage on the scoreboard, but when the team returned to the dugout, Brenly was a different man.
Brenly now has his name in the record book – Four errors in one inning – heck four errors in one game would have done it! As would be expected, the Braves were winning the game. The game progressed, but the Giants were still losing.
And then . . . it was Brenly’s turn to bat in the ninth, two outs and the count full, the last pitch, the last chance . . . and he hit a homerun to win the game.
In the words of Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”
God gives us the opportunity to begin again each moment, each day.
Like in baseball, what happened in the past (the fourth inning and all those errors) doesn’t matter. God promises to meet us each day with just what we need: "Every new day, God will not fail!"
Look, life is a grind, so, some days you're going to wake up anxious. Some days you're going to wake up dreading the day. Some days you're going to be excited about what's ahead. Other days you're going to be overwhelmed by what's ahead, or some days you may be discouraged, or eager, or exhausted.
Sometimes in the middle of the day, you are going to feel like Bob Brenly – you want to crawl under a bag and hide. You will want to quit. But however you feel, no matter what that day holds - God will be there. So why don't you claim God's guarantee for yourself. In fact, say it with me now because you need to hear yourself say it, "Every new day . . . God will not fail!"
We understand Major League Pitcher Andy Petitte when he says, “it is tough to stick around.” After all life is sometimes a grind and sometimes that grind stinks, but I invite you to find hope in a God that is there with you.
I invite you to find joy in the promise that God is with you each day “as a strong and mighty warrior to save you” and as a giver of “mercy each new morning.”
God will not fail you!
Day 239 a note from God: Ezekiel 24-27
How your betrayals defile you! I cleansed you, but you didn’t come clean from your impurities. You won’t be clean again until I have exhausted my anger against you.
Ezekiel 24:13 CEB
Remember when records were actually vinyl? Remember when they would get scratched and repeat themselves over and over?
I am often accused of sounding like a broken record - the same message over and over.
I have often lamented to myself that I seem to be in a rut with the same message coming through Sunday after Sunday.
Then I read Ezekiel (all 27 chapters so far) and wonder, "How did he keep on?"
The same message over and over - Destruction is coming!
I am relieved that my repetitive message is seemingly filled with more hope . . .
God loves you . . .
Jesus died for you . . .
How you live your faith matters . . .
Then again, on second read . . . that is exactly what Ezekiel was proclaiming.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Day 238 a note from God: Ezekiel 22-23
You will be held accountable for your betrayals, and you will bear the sins of your idols. Then you will know that I am the LORD God.
Ezekiel 23:49 CEB
Ezekiel again reminds the people that for their sins they will be accountable.
Note the YOU will be held accountable and not the collective 'they' will be held accountable.
Why will there be an accounting? SO that everyone will know that God is God.
The Holy and righteous nature of God must remain consistent. Judgement must come for actions that are outside of God's decree.
Now all this talk is about the judgement of Jerusalem, so what does it have to do with us?
Simple - - the nature of God has not changed.
We now have the opportunity for grace and mercy in the face of judgement through Christ.
Do you know the man?
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