Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 155 a note from God: 1 Kings 7 and 2 Chronicles 4

It took Solomon thirteen years, however,
to complete the construction of his palace.

1 Kings 7:1 NIV

David spent a lifetime on the throne making plans for the building of the temple. Give credit to Solomon his first act was to complete the temple. It took 7 years.

Perhaps we see the beginning of Solomon's demise in the building of the palace. It takes him twice as long to build his palace as it did to build God's temple. Additionally, can I ask, "What was wrong with David's palace?"

Sometimes we do a good job a 'showing' the world God is priority - - - we go to church, we make sure people know that we are active in our church, we put stickers on our cars of fish - - - BUT when it comes down to it our lives reveal a different set of priorities. That was the case with Solomon and he was a very wise man.

What does your life reveal about your priorities?

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