I love this picture of my wife. I took on a vacation trip to Cancun several years ago. There is a look of joy on her face and it captures the fun and joy we had on that trip. I have to confess that there has been a lot of heartache and moments of turmoil and suffering that have taken place since that photo was taken. It reminds me that part of the value of those "Kodak Moments" (remember those ads) is being able to capture those moments that we too soon forget.
The happiness of vacation quickly returns to the drudgery of work.
The joy of victory becomes defeat.
For me yesterday was one of those days that I would like to have a picture of. Ministry opportunity abounded and their was such joy and satisfaction with being a pastor. I want a picture to remind of that day because I know that days like that don't often come (or at least not often enough). Too often there is crisis to manage, complaints to deal with, drudgery to be dealt with, BUT not yesterday.
Yesterday was a Kodak Moment I would like to keep.
Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? John 12:26-28
We like to forget that Jesus said this right before he headed to the cross. No wonder his heart was troubled. He knew that in choosing to live a life serving and following Christ there would be days and weeks of pain, trial, and suffering.
So, take pictures of the days of joy and victory. And when the days are tough, take them out and be reminder it is worth it. The momentary joy of this life is only a hint at the joy to the come in the eternal kingdom of God.